Well Hi there mommies and daddies and non-mommies and grandmas, and browsers alike! My name is Lauren and I am starting this blog not because I am a good writer, (because I am not) but because I feel like I have to share all my fun deals that I find around town and on the web! I am a confessed shopaholic and I love love love a good bargain! So, where to start for my first post.......well, I saw on craigslist (as I was looking for a new stroller) that Costco in Bend is offering an amazing jogger for only $99.00 thats right girls, 99 dollars! it is by Dream Designz and normally retails for $300-400 dollars! I went and checked it out for myself, thinking it would be stubby enough to push around town, but....it wasn't. It was pretty long, the front wheel swivels....extremely light weight, but not good for boutique shopping. However, if you are a jogger or walker, this is the one for you!
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